Merry Christmas Everyone!

Not the best pic of us because the lights down the side of the photo have ruined it but this is us at Michael's work's Christmas do!
I know I have been MIA again but what can I say... Life gets in the way!!
So we were apart again at Christmas but today is Boxing Day and I am home. LOL and Michael is on night shifts today and tomorrow. But all that said we have had our exchange of gifts and things are relatively back to normal.
I took a heap of pics while I was away and so they will reappear in layouts no doubt in the next week or so.
I had a lovely christmas lunch with Mum and Chris and then dinner with John and Ila so I had a lovely day.
I also went and saw the new warehouse for the company I used to work for and on Christmas Eve I did attend their breakfast and stayed to help out until midday. I took pics at that too LOL, off course. Like this one where chris is acting silly dressed up as a robot, yes, that's my son in the cardboard LOL.
Chris has his new used car and I had a drive of it when I was home. Nice and easy enough to drive so he is pleased.
Cross you fingers for him, he has his driving test in another week.

Okay so that's it for now, I'm off to make myself some dinner and then I'll get stuck into some Layouts and commenting on the sites. Have a fabulous New Year if we don't get back here before then. All the best
Tracy :)