You've been tagged!
I've been tagged by Sally aka Hulas with Halo
7 facts about me!!
1. I have 1 son who is turning 21 in February.
2. I have been married Once in 2004 to Michael.
3. I am doing IVF with Michael to try and reproduce him LOL, that's scary.
4. We had 2 dogs but unfortunately lost our Hope (kelpie aged 17) recently, so a very lonely Shona (terrier mix - age 14) left.
5. I love bike riding with my Husband, as long as I don't fall off.
6. I Love watching, CSI, CSI Miami, CSI New York, Bones, Criminal Minds, House, x Files (it's back on here from the beginning!!
7. I Miss Tasmania, and My Friends, My son and My Mum and Family, who all live far away from us.
Now I'm supposed to tag 7 blogs so I will add them as I do them.
1. Terrell Sanzone
2. Beachnut's Creations
3. Shannon Fahrnbach
4. Bonnie Carter
5. Sarah172
6. Bunchie
7. Melody Pebbles7195
These are the rules:
1. Link your tagger
{ }
and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Have Fun!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
IVF and a freebie
Well I've been kept on my toes with IVF this last few weeks and we are going in on friday 1st August for Egg retrieval and if we get the eight that we think I have hopefully we will have two to put in on the Monday. So I have to have my trigger injection on Wednesday night and then no more needles till after the operation. So cross your fingers and maybe we'll have some good news by the 18th August. A nice birthday present for Michael even if it would be a week late.
Okay so onto the freebie I made for you today. Just a little one, a tage I whipped up.Here's the preview and the link.

Thursday, July 24, 2008
Thursday already!!
Well I was working away on a kit and while working out colours I made a few extras so I thought some of you might be able to make use of these, please don't share the links and a comment would be great!! Only got one comment on the last freebie :( So here's a preview for you and if you click on the link below it will take you to the file download.
Okay so If you haven't heard Terrell is having problems with internet access. The coffee shop she usually frequents to upload her kits and do her blogging has closed down suddenly and so she is having to find other places that will allow the amounts she needs for uploading, which aren't small amounts LOL.
So we are counting down the days till Michael's Birthday and his 3 weeks of holidays start. Don't think we will be going away anywhere after our recent rush trip to Tassie and we are going to be waiting out the two weeks to see if we are pregnant during the first few weeks anyway LOL. So we are thinking of moving, the rent has been going up by rediculous amounts over the last year and we think if we are going to be paying that much we deserve something better than what we have here. So the hunt is on. I'd like a 3 bedroom place but would settle for 2 bedrooms if it were more modern than what we have now, you know somewhere with room in the kitchen for the fridge and less likelyhood of things like mould and mildew which we have suffered with a bit here. We still have to get a place with a backyard for Shona so Apartments are out. Anyway I'll have anonther look online later today.
I am suffering today too cause I just couldn't sleep and had a tummy ache and so have been up since 2am and will probably have to nap on and off through the day to recharge. Okay gotta go, My dog is wanting some attention LOL.
Have a great weekend all!!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Want Some Ribbons?
I made this ribbon last night and thought after recolouring several that I would share them here with you all. There is also a monotone version in the file so you can recolour it to your needs. Personal Use Only as is the condition with all my freebies and please don't share them send anyone who wants them here. And a little love, as always is always a great way to encourage me to continue offering up freebies. Just click on the download under the pic to go to the link.
Okay onto some layouts I did this week.
Our Wedding Song, my Husband chose this song, it was his only job appart from turning up LOL!!And he sang it to me throughout our Bridal WaltzLyrics to Into My Arms by Nick CaveDesigner: Ambowife DesignsKit: Floral PassionI used Shannon Fahrnbach's Gettin Edgy Paper Tears on this one, the rest is just by me!
Okay so as you can see I have been very busy with all the layouts as well as designing and making your freebies this week, phew, time for a break on the weekend LOL!!
You have a great weekend too!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Flash Freebie
Okay don't have much time, its the middle of the night here and my upload finished so thought I'd get it up while I was up, LOL, you know what I mean. Anyway here's a preview and the links, leave me some love if you can and enjoy!!
Nighty NightTracy
Friday, July 11, 2008
Freebie NO 2
Well what do you know I did two in two days. This one is for Rakscraps Members Mega Kit. It is not as big as the last freebie and more suited to masculine layouts. I hope you all like it and enjoy using it. Just the one file for this one too.
Leave me a little love when you download and don't forget there are lots of freebies over at rakscraps in this thread of the forum. Members Mega Kit.

Leave me a little love when you download and don't forget there are lots of freebies over at rakscraps in this thread of the forum. Members Mega Kit.
Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy playing with the kits.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I did this minikit for the SAS Color challenge over at SAS that Booland Designs runs for them so if you want to participate head over there.
But first grab my freebie.
It's Summer time in the states so if you are from here in Australia, that is why the bright colours LOL.
Here's the preview .
But first grab my freebie.
It's Summer time in the states so if you are from here in Australia, that is why the bright colours LOL.
Here's the preview .
Right then, remember not to share the files, just send anyone who wants the freebie here or to the challenge at SAS, and a little love is always good when you download from my 4shared account.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
A Great Loss
We lost Michael's Nan the Matriarch of his family on Monday 30th June. She was a very strong woman and was the great age of 91 when she parted this life. So we headed down to Hobart for her Funeral and to remember a well lived life in her honour. The service was beautiful and very touching. Missing you Nan!!
Okay so it was freezing down in Tassie but took the opportunity to catch up with Chris and get a chance to see his new home while we were there. Photos to follow!!!
Also I managed to get some shots of the photo albums at Michael's Parents's place so here are some layouts of Us at their place after the funeral and the pics I took of the photos.
So I am playing catchup again LOL.
Have a great week
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