Monday, July 27, 2009

Check out the gallery

I just found out how to add a javascript gallery to my blog, so exciting LOL

So if you click on the gallery link on the tab at the top of the header it will take you to my gallery

of layouts created by me with my kits.

I am thinking of doing another one to show off my CT's layouts too.

So since you all just had a look and got excited with me LOL, here's a freebie Quickpage for you

all. Have fun with it :)

[caption id="attachment_387" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Just click on the image to go to the download"]ambowifedesigns_RWnRT_QPpre[/caption]


Here's a layout I made it from using my new kit Red Wine n Rag Time

[caption id="attachment_388" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Layout by Ambowife Designs using Red Wine N Rag Time"]Layout by Ambowife Designs using Red Wine N Rag Time[/caption]


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Here's the first freebie!

[caption id="attachment_366" align="aligncenter" width="600" caption="Red Wine N Rag Time Add On"]Red Wine N Rag Time Add On[/caption]


Check out the Current Freebies Tab to find the link to this mini add on to my latest kit "Red Wine N Rag Time". Hope you have fun with these pieces.

Okay had a very busy working day and now I am off to bed to watch the tour de France and hopefully see Lance Armstrong catch up a bit and maybe overtake Andy Schleck. 



Saturday, July 25, 2009

Look what's new and ON SALE!!!

I am now exclusive to SAS and to celebrate, my New Kit "Red Wine n Rag Time" is on sale at 50% off!!!

That's crazy, you get it for just $2.25. But only till the end of July!!

Check it out in my SAS Store today

16 papers for cropping and 52 pieces to play with in the element set.

Keep an eye out for the freebie samples coming to my blog very soon!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

So what do you think??

of my new blog, I decided I needed something more interactive that I can add stuff to so here it is my new blog, I will be adding a link from my original blog so that you can all find me, and not think I have dropped off the face of the earth.

Some sad news now, unfortunately OSS is closing the digistore section of their site. So as of 1st August 09 I will be a SAS exclusive designer. I am the CT coordinator over at SAS too so it makes a lot of sense actually and I will have the time to keep up with my duties there. Though I am very upset that I have lost my first store. OSS (TTS when I joined them) game me my first offer of a store to sell my designs in so they are very close to my heart, not to mention the very active forum and friendly community that always comment on everyone's layouts.

So I haven't been very active this past week or two with designing as I have had Christopher here visiting over the last weekend and am still trying to finish off my latest kit. Hubby and I went riding yesterday too, we finally got some good weather so off we went, down the beach for a bike ride. I think we have been reinfected with the cycling bug since watching the Tour de France on tellie everynight. I tend to end up falling asleep but sometimes I wake up for the really exciting bits. Hubby is even thinking of getting Livestrong Gear for us to wear when we go cycling, we'll look like team Rundle as we go out in our black and yellow, or I'll look like an obese bumble bea, one or the other LOL.  But seriously I need to get back into it and retone my winter butt!!

Alrighty, off to do some work LOL.

Have a wonderful week everyone.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mini Add On for you

I came up with a little mini kit add-on for Sweet Shona and thought I would share it with all my blog readers. You will find a cute little birdie, a textured worn paper, a collection of pins to match the kit, a layered journal mat with eyelets set in it and a mat with scalloping and eyelets around it. Check it out and if you fancy it grab it from the Download link below the image :)

download HERE

I have also added my two favourite soft sorrowful but beautiful songs of MJ's as a tribute as we say a final goodbye to the most talented star of our time. RIP Michael. And enjoy listening to him on my blog everyone. If you want to turn it off just click the pause button on the player in the footer of my blog.

Have a great day all.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Sweet Shona Kit and a freebie

As always with a new kit I give out a quickpage or two and with the announcement of my newest Kit Sweet Shona and it being 30% off I am giving you one today.

Here is a preview of the kit to start with.

You can check it out closely for a list of what's included at either of my stores.

Here is a layout I made with the kit and made the quickpage from for you all. I hope you will get some nice pages from it.

Download HERE
Okay well I have had a long day, with watching the tour de France every night and then I got up and watched the Memorial for Michael Jackson, after which they aired the Dangerous Tour Concert on TV here tonight so I watched that too. So very sad and Heart breaking to watch Paris cry how much she loved her Daddy, for that's what Michael was, someones Son, Brother, Father. Just a man with many talents. RIP MJ.
Alrighty Nighty Night.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Happy Designer Birthday to Mitsybelle Designs!!!

Check out Mitsybelle's Blog for some super fun this week starting July 7th (USA Time) with lots of games, fun, freebies, and prizes

Happy Designing Birthday Jeanette!!

Oh Check out my website and let me know what you think of my design, It took me ages to work out how to do it all from scratch instead of using my host's templates!!

Have a great night


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

All Aboard OSS Blog Train

Hi all, welcome to the OSS Mega QP Blog Train. Some of the designers at OSS have made some super Quickpages for you all to get a taste of our fabulous July Mega kit. The Train will chug away for a week and the links will be deactivated on July 7th so don't dally!! Climb on board and check out the awesome Designers from and their Freebies.
So leave some loving as you hop off at each station, hmm, blog, for their QP's.

Here are my two pages and the link to grab them, enjoy!!

password is toottoot

OSS Blog Train Stations

Flower Scraps -

Paula Duncan -

Truly Scrap Designs -

Monna Lainson Designs -

Ambowife Designs - <--- You are here!!

Mad Scrapper Designs -

Here is the Mega kit we all used to make the quickpages, so we all used eachother's parts to come up with them. You can grab it at the OSS store now by clicking on the image below.And while you are in the store check out my Someday Sunday Kit which is on sale for 30% off all this month, you might even find a little surprise there.

Remember this blog train ends on July 7th so you'll have to grab them soon or you'll miss out on 12 pages of OSS Bliss. And that's a whole album's worth of pages.

Okay Happy Travels
