Sunday, September 5, 2010

It's Voting time at the Studio

DesignerCompetitionweek1layoutsWell unless you have been hiding out in a cave somewhere or lost on a deserted island, you must have heard about the annual Birthday Bash going on over at the Studio.

We are having our 3rd annual Next Designer Competition too and it's a freebie fest with so many entrants this year and the competition is outstanding this year.

woo hoo, we have had a fabulous time this week, the polls are open for the Designer Competition voting so pop on over to the forum to cast your vote can vote for up to 3 contestants.

You must be a member at the Studio to vote in this poll. While you are there pop on over to the gallery and grab some free minikits from the contestants in the Week 1 Gallery

There are also heaps of other challenges and fun for all to be had, why don't you come on over and check it out today!! You won't be sorry you did LOL

Also the Layout competition is closed for round 1 and we have posted the voting poll HERE.

Here's a sneak peek at the layouts from the contestants jockeying for a position in the Studio Creative Team, you can vote if you are a member at the Studio and in this poll you can vote 5 times :)

LayoutARtistsCompetitionweek1layoutsMitsybelle's Kit Autumn's Kiss is just looking fabulous in all these layouts don't you think? I'll post the link to the poll thread as soon as it is up :) here is a small slide show of the layouts created for the contest this week, if you would like to take a closer look at them you can check them out HERE in the Layout Artist Competition Week 1 gallery

So onto other matters, Today is my 41st Birthday, well I am not sure how I feel about being in my 40's rather than just being 40 I am now 40...something, which is kind of feeling like a downhill slide to 50 rofl. But I plan to have a good birthday LOL

Hubby bought me a trainer stand for my bike, which is what I asked for LOL. My butt is getting way too big sitting in this chair lately and the winter layers are thick too. Spring has sprung and it's time to shed those layers, but I want to shed a few before riding my bike in Public. Sounds like he is out there mowing the lawn, so that's nice! :)

NO idea what we will be doing today other than working out how to use the trainer and it's blowing a gale outside so maybe it's an inside day for me :)

Have a great day and see you at the Studio during September :)

