So Yes I have been busy scrapbooking on the computer. As usual I have used another Wedding Picture. But what can I say I do look better in them than any other photos of me. I guess it must be the Happy Glow.

And the next one is of Gabriella. These were taken when she was down visiting Gran in Tassie. We had so much fun with her.

I found some Royal Australian Engineer emblems so here's one of my Daddy. He is always an inspiration throughout all of my daily life. I think of him every day and Miss him so very much. Love you Dad, you're the best

Well the Man of My Dreams of course is another Muse of mine.
He had his exam yesterday and feels good about it so we are hanging out to hear if he passed or not. Friday is his Graduation Day! Fingers Crossed.
Well I'm off to have my first Blood Test for this, our 5th cycle. Looking forward to finding out if we are doing well this time. Lots of time on my hands at the moment obviously, but looking forward to coming home for a visit in April with my Hubby. Well that's all for now. Hoping you are all well. Kisses...TracyXXXX
Hi all this is Taz aka Michael, Well tracy hasn't posted it yet but I did pass my Ambulance exams and will graduate Friday the 8th Feb as a Qualified Ambulance Officer.