So if you get too bogged down in Ambo Lingo with his posts you could always jump over to mine LOL. Don't know what he'll think of that Ha Ha!! Maybe we should have seperate sections. Anyway, I haven't Digiscrapped as much as I usually do this week. I have been doing a few things for Michael and his creative endeavours. Also we went for a drive up to Richmond and around to the Blue Mountains and back. I just had to get out of the house. Getting a bit of CABIN FEVER!!! So that was a nice day out and you'll see the results of that shortly. Also I didn't scrap as much because for the first time in a while Michael was home for all of his 4 days off. Usually he ends up getting called in on overtime but this week he didn't, so I had him all to myself for the whole 4 days, and I had to make the most of it, because who knows when that will happen again!
Well as for scrapping, here is a LO of me and JO my buddy and Home Girl. This pic was taken when I was home for our anniversary, it's a night out to dinner with the girls. 
I don't know how many of you would have even known about this photo. It was so funny. With all of the rushing about etc that goes on at weddings, nobody remembered the clothes for after the wedding. We stayed in a gloriously lavish Victorian Guesthouse type of Hotel for the night, just over the road from the reception, so we walked there. Yup no putting cans and crap on our car. But the problem was that the next morning before driving home we had to go over to the reception centre to pay the balance of the bar tab. We walked up the main street of Hobart looking like that and walked in on the middle of an ANZAC Day breakfast. A whole room of Scottish Pipers in their kilts and we walk in. To hilarious!!
So I just had to scrap it!!
Okay here's a few pics of our drive on Saturday.
Well Mr Goofy right here for all to see!!
One of the two LO's I did of the view on the Blue Mountains Tourist Drive. It was just beautiful and we both posed for one of these shots!!
Don't you just love the pose. Just for the record, Michael posed first. LOL!!
Used some of TerrellS Paua Blues flowers in this with the sandy paper that I love!!
What can I say, we were there at the right moment for the light to be just right. Beautiful scenery and we didn't even go to the three sisters Echo Point!!
Well that's it from me for now. Off to check out the other sites. Have a great week unless I blog before the weekend.
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