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Okay remember to send people here if they want to have the quickpage please. And remember to give credit to Ambowife
Alright, we have had a quiet week. Michael hasn't had any overtime shifts for a few weeks now and I am relishing having him at home. It's just nice to talk to someone during the day and just having him here makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. And thats about all I'm going to tell you all about that. LOL.
Terrell has been accepted as a designer at and I have been trying to get all my LO's up there as well as all the other Sites, hopefully her name will be burnt into everyone's brain by now, I have been doing a LO nearly every day LOL!!!
So here are a few of the LO's from the last few days.
Ha Ha. Michael wasn't too impressed with this LO's title. But everyone else seemed to like it!!!
This photos you may remember from the pics when we went for out Daytrip drive to the Blue Mountains.
Wonderful job on this QP!