Hello world, I'm back!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well I just dropped by the blog to see what Tracy had been telling you and found 'Bupkiss'. The holidays are over and I'm right back into the saddle again with the same probationary partner I had before I left. Good thing I like him.
I guess Tracy will let you know what our success is with the IVF cycle that we're currently on, when we know.
I have finished my very first semester of university distance education, I'm happy with what I learnt and my results so far with the sociology course, but the emergency care of mental health,,,, it sucked. Lots of information, none of it useful to me and my job of pre-hospital care.
One really cool thing that has happened, 1st Dec last year I was doing overtime at Randwick station and we got a cardiac arrest patient back, the ZOLL company that manufacture the defibrillator that saved his life, present a watch to all such patients and I had the pleasure of making that presentation on the 16th Nov - 49 weeks to the day after I first met George. George brought his son (about my age) along and Tracy took some photos (see above) it was special. It made it into the Ambulance Service newsletter and the local scandal sheets, the newspaper photo even made it to the local hospital Accident & Emergency Dept.
Well, that's a pretty go spray from me I'll go now.
See Ya'
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