Thursday, June 5, 2008

SAS Colour Challenge Freebie

Okay so here's my June SAS Colour Challenge Freebie. Papers 1
So a little love please when you download and enjoy using this kit. :)
Okay onto news....
Chris is back home and has moved into his house with his mate, and another mate will possibly be moving in soon. They had a bit of trouble getting their electricity on but it's all set no. Also he is adoring his new job so all seems to be going very well. I still don't have any photos of the house yet though sigh!!
I have almost totally recovered from my bike crash and will start back up with the riding once the weather allows. We took the opportunity of the bad weather to get both of our bikes serviced and I got a new bell to replace the one I broke off LOL.
Michael is fine and we are just waiting for my cycle to start so that I can get back on an IVF cycle, so once again, fingers crossed.
Well that's about it for now, have a great day and enjoy your freebie!!


  1. Great kit! Love the colors. Thank you so much for sharing with us!!!

  2. Jeff-Bethany-Haden-Grant-Cole-DelaneyJune 5, 2008 at 5:15 PM

    Great kit, thank you so much!!!!

  3. Good Work! This is cool!

  4. Thank you so much! This is great!

  5. Tammy aka bunchieJune 6, 2008 at 5:55 AM

    Love the kit!TY! Love and prayers coming your way to complete healing!


express yourself ;)