Saturday, September 6, 2008

Sigh Father's Day again

Okay I am putting this before yesterday's post so that my promo stays on top lol. 
Well today is Father's Day here in Australia and I have spent the day thinking of Dad and doing this layout with my new kit.
Vote (from 8th to 11th september)
I miss you so much Dad. I actually google him on days like this to see if anyone has posted photos on the web with him in them. So I did that today and this photo came up on Service which is a british site for armed forces people to reconnect and reminisce with eachother on. Anyway Dad was a member there and he actually posted this photo, funny how it never came up over the past 4 years when I have googled him. So I was quite taken back by this find and cried seeing his posts that went along in the description of where it was taken etc. this is 1966 so he is only 20 in this photo. just a lad really.
Okay well that's it for today, I'm totally exhausted after the last few days of designing and the mad rush to pack it all up and get it in on time. So I am gonna relax the rest of the day or just do scrapping.
Have a wonderful Father's Day with your families and make the most of them, you never know when they will be spending their last Father's Day with you.
Sorry if I am bringing any of you down.

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