Okay well onto some store news.
The SAS Newsletter is here if you want to check it out for great sales, awesome layouts and some freebies.
Also there is a big event coming at Scrappin' Freestyle so check the itinerary for the party when it starts.

You'll love this, I did a speedscrap chat last week and it was soooo much fun. You do a layout in an hour and have an hour to upload it. Every 10 minutes the hostess will tell you what you need to do next. It's great fun and a real laugh too. Come along to this one and you'll be hooked!!

I am working on a collaboration at the moment with Lisa West and it's gonna be a doozy so keep your eyes peeled for that coming soon!!
Okay that's it for now, gotta go make dinner.
Have a great St Patricks Day if you celebrate it!!! Don't drink too much Guiness!!
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