Sunday, April 25, 2010

Anzac Day 2010

Yesterday was our 6th Wedding Anniversary.


It was a quiet day, Michael had worked the night before so slept most of  it and in the evening we ended up not going out for dinner even, he looked just way too tired for an outing. So we had bacon, eggs and chips for dinner LOL. Not real romantic but quite yummy.

Happy Anniversary My Sweetness.  Can't believe it's already been 6 years, where do the years go?

I made the Card I gave Michael with some pics from the ceremony on our big day

This is the Photoshop file


And Here is the created card

My photo was a bit dark as it is quite miserable here today so I had to lighten it, that's the only reason the color of the paper isn't quite right.

I may have to visit my friend "The Gamut warning tool" with the paper I used  :)



It's ANZAC day here in Australia, this is our Memorial Day for those who have defended our country in Action. Most of you will know my father was an Army Warrant Officer and I am very proud of all he did while he was in the British and Australian Defence Forces.

As I do each year since I created this mini for the SAS Next SAS-y Lady Designer Competition, here is the remembrance kit I created. It's more Americana than Australian but I am sure a lot of American Scrappers could put it to good use :)


Download 1

Download 2

Here's a few pages I did with pics of my Dad using this kit, they are from a few years ago. When I made the kit

Thanks for reading and have a great weekend :)




  1. Thanks for the Freebie - LianeZ

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