Yeah I am emailing this one in, now that I have discovered that I can compose my posts this way woohoo, so much easier, I think, we'll see.
So I have been doing QP's for Terrell and if you want some super freebie QP's head over to TerrellS Blog and snag some, but remember to leave her some love and also beachnut cause she is creating some awesome QP's that are up for grabs too.
Beachnut aka Doreen, has an awesome blog that you really should drop by and make a coffee and enjoy her posts over at Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
Okay onto the Layouts for today
This is one of the freebies from TerrellS blog from days gone by, so you would have to search for it on her blog, but isn't it pretty, it is a Wedding Mini kit, I just love the papers and those ribbons are so cute.
The photo is one where we weren't posing and I finally started to feel how cold I was, I am cuddling up to Michael because I am freezing. I didn't feel it until after all the I do's were said, I guess my adrenaline rush had subsided by then LOL.
Okay so I did another Layout with TerrellS Summer Whispers Kit and I am really pleased with this one. It is a Layout of Jo (One of My Bridesmaids) I just loved the dresses they had for the wedding and the colour, this photo of her is just great and they are walking along in the light misty rain at the Royal Tasmanian Botanical Gardens where we were married and had our photos, it was just a shame about the weather and the light wasn't all that great by the time we got to go take them.
So as for the rest of my week, we had Michael's former flat mate Hayley come and stay for the night with her Mum as they were flying out to Japan this morning, Lucky Ducks. Michael missed out as he was working nightshift and hopefully will be able to catch up with them during the hour they will have between flights on their way home LOL. That's if they get through customs with any time to spare.
Hayley is an ambo too and works in country NSW.
So I did my Housework the day before they were coming and it just rained all day today so now the house if covered in drying washing. But gotta appreciate the rain. We really needed it, and it wasn't just light so that's great!!!
And I went out the other night so there won't be much going on until after I get back from my Melbourne/Hobart trip for my birthday.
Oh but we are off the the new IVF clinic on 27th so lots of tests etc and they say you can't start unless you are under 20% overweight so I think I'll fail that test so not much will happen until I drop some of this extra baggage LOL. No but seriously I sit on my butt too much and need to get out and move more, maybe I'll look into Curves as I've had 3 great reports from friends now so I am taking that as a sign. Or maybe get a bike as there is a track nearby. We'll see, Procrastinating again LOL.
Alright I'm gonna go cause it's after 3 in the morning and I am gong to end up having to sleep the day away with Michael tomorrow if I don't go to bed now, and I really have to go do some commenting on the websites first.
Alrighty, enjoy your day, and keep safe and happy!!
Tracy XXX
Snagged this from Doreen's site, isn't she sweet for putting this up, so he's my mascot today Doreen LOL

Monday Aggggh, how can it be Monday I haven't even finished today yet. It's Sunday afternoon. I always thought time travel might be interesting even a thing like Sandra Bullocks (SP) movie The Lake House. but this girl is writing to us from tomorrow. LOL Hey what's this E-mail thing I don't know that one. How clever you are. Let me tell you that those 2 new LO's are just awesome. I always love your wedding "stuff" but it gets better with each new kit you use. Love the one with Jo and isn't that interesting we both have a Jo in our lives.