I met Doreen aka Beachnut999 through DSC when I first started getting serious about learning to Digiscrap, we were in a class learning on PSE5 together and got to know eachother through that class and the Challenges and just commenting on eachother's Layouts. There were no chats at DSC so we were just drawn to eachother I guess. Then when TerrellS asked us both to join her CT we really became close, the three of us are very close, as close as anyone who has never actually clapped eyes on eachother can be, I feel like I have two sisters across the Pacific and we catch up all over the web. I am so inspired by Doreen and I really wanted to thank her for all the wonderful support she has offered to me and given in a miriad of ways, I just love her to bits, and here is the Layout I did for My Buddy Beachnut!!

Tracy xx
Now doesn't this make life worth living? A friend knows just when a friend needs cheering up and throws a lifeline out for you to hold onto and they are there ready to tug on it and pull you in "if" you need it, but only if. They will wait, just for that nod from you that says "yes" I'm sinking and they will pull you to safety. May God Bless friends like my Tracy. And you know what? They never ask why they are just there. Knowing that is all that matters. Boy I've been getting deep. BTW Scarlett was right. The sun is shinning.I love you Tracy and I'm here for you too.
ReplyDeleteTold you she would love it! LOL Great page!