Okay so here are some Layouts from the last few days
Of course this is Robbie, don't you love him, he's just
so darn cute, this kit is Scrap Carli's Patchwork Kit from
This one is Punky Pixels' Tuscany Kit, love that paper.
It's from
My cutie pie feeding the ducks when he was about
2 years old, hard to believe this little cutie is a 19 yo
Adult , god I'm old!!! The kit is TerrellS
Memories of a Garden
This is me making my holy communion, same church
where I had Christopher Christened, funnily enough,
it's St Christopher's, the kit is TerrellS Memories of a
Garden available at HODS, Mootwo and Stone Accents
The elements in this Layout are from several of
TerrellS kits, Summer Whispers, Announce freebie,
Heritage. The photo is my Gran and Grandad Conroy,
My Mum's Parents.
Okay this is Scrap Carli's Patchwork kit, it is a layout I
did for a challenge at Stone Accents Studio, It had to
go with the quote so I did My Hubby!!!
Who else feels like they are playing when they are at
work besides Taz!!!
Okay that's it for me, off to bed as we have a big
Night out tomorrow night, off to see the Stage show of
Priscilla Queen of the Desert, so have to get plenty of
exercise etc so I can eat the dinner we end up getting.
Oh and Hope you all have a great day!!!!
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