Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Guess what we got

Meet the luckiest, most spoilt wife in Australia :)

It seems to be turning out that whenever Taz (hubby) gets a Sunday overtime shift I get a new toy.

This is the latest, a new washer, our old one was being choosy about turning off the water and I've had a few floods.

So we have gone for a front loader since they save water and you even get a rebate from the water board on this one.

So, Guess who's Mum's got a whirlpool?? And if you say anything about me looking like Burt Newton in drag, you better run and run fast LOL

Here's a page of pics, yes those are hubbys uniforms in there!! :)



Happy Wife Happy Life LOL

1 comment:

  1. I'm so jealous! I want to upgrade to a hi efficiency too!


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